Kindled Spirit

Kindled Spirit - Inspire & Awaken - SPIRIT WORKER -
Reiki Master - Sweat Lodge Keeper - Doula - Mayan Abdominal Therapy - Psychic Tarot - Meditation

Kindled Spirit was founded by Esther-Maria Lindner, on the vision to kindle people’s spirit, awaken their soul to their purpose, and inspiring them to take responsibility of their life’s healing and happiness. The workshops and private sessions not only support people’s health and well-being, but are motivating, relaxing, and facilitate a state of positive thinking.

Services to kindle your spirit include:
- Mayan Abdominal Therapy (reproductive & digestive health)
- Conscious Conception
- Reiki Jin Kei Do - Private Sessions and Workshops
- Psychic Tarot Readings
- Birth & Postnatal Doula
- Spiritual Healing & Clearing
- Sweat Lodges & Healing Ceremonies
- Chakra Healing
- Mentorship Programs - Empowering Modern Women with Native Wisdom
- Baby Massage Tuition

Distant Healings & Skype Readings Available.

Professional services